My Name is Neveda Victoria Foreman I am 49 years old. I have 3 T's I birthed in this world. 29 years old Tyreece. 27 Tyral and my baby girl Tieasha 25. They are the reason I stay focus. "I want to be an example of you can do anything you put your mind too." I did not do a bad job raising them, because they all are independent. My life wasn't easy coming up. Everything I learned was the hard way. Nothing easy about my life still today. My favorite quote is "it aint easy being me" What made me the way I am today is my life challenges. I learned early in age that you treat people how you want to be treated. That's what build my character. I have serveral goals in life, one of them are to spread real love to people I know and don't know. There is a differences. Real love is unconditional Love comes with conditions I love you only if.... But real love forgives. I plan to acheive my goal by showing love and being kind to everyone. I failed in life so many times but I wont give up. I will keep on keeping on as long as I have breath in my body. I am proud to say I have some great accomplishments under my belt. There is nothing that I can't do that I want to do! My Major goal is to write 10 books before 2025.